- 2000年03月 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科博士課程修了(審良静男教授)
- 2000年03月 学位取得・博士(医学)
- 2000年04月 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
- 2000年10月 The Burnham Institute(アメリカ、ラホヤ)研究員(Dr. John C Reed)
- 2003年04月 ERATO審良自然免疫プロジェクト分子間相互作用グループ・グループリーダー
- 2006年12月 大阪大学微生物病研究所自然免疫学分野・助教授(審良静男教授)
- 2007年04月 大阪大学微生物病研究所自然免疫学分野・准教授(名称変更)
- 2007年11月 大阪大学免疫学フロンティア研究センター自然免疫学部門・准教授(兼任)
- 2013年04月 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学バイオサイエンス研究科分子免疫制御研究室・准教授
- 2016年04月 同・教授
Sueyoshi T, Kawasaki T, Kitai Y, Ori D, Akira S, Kawai T. Hu antigen R regulates antiviral innate immune responses through the stabilization of mRNA for Polo-like kinase 2. J Immunol. 2018 Jun 1;200(11):3814-3824.
Murase M, Kawasaki T, Hakozaki R, Sueyoshi T, Putri DDDP, Kitai Y, Sato S, Ikawa M, Kawai T. Intravesicular acidification regulates lipopolysaccharide inflammation and tolerance through TLR4 trafficking. J Immunol. 2018 Apr 15;200(8):2798-2808.
Kawasaki T, Ito K, Miyata H, Akira S, Kawai T. Deletion of PIKfyve alters alveolar macrophage populations and exacerbates allergic inflammation in mice. EMBO J. 2017 Jun 14;36(12):1707-1718.
Kitai Y, Kawasaki T, Sueyoshi T, Kobiyama K, Ishii KJ, Zou J, Akira S, Matsuda T, Kawai T. DNA-containing exosomes derived from cancer cells treated with Topotecan activate a STING-dependent pathway and reinforce antitumor immunity. J Immunol. 2017 Feb 15;098(4):1649-1659.
Kitai Y, Takeuchi O, Ori D, Sueyoshi T, Murase M, Akira S, Kawai T. Negative regulation of Melanoma Differentiation-associated Gene 5 (MDA5)-dependent antiviral innate immune responses by Arf-like Protein 5B. J Biol. Chem. 290:1269-80, 2015.
Kuniyoshi K, Takeuchi O, Pandey S, Satoh T, Iwasaki H, Akira S, Kawai T. Pivotal role of RNA-binding E3 ubiquitin ligase MEX3C in RIG-I-mediated antiviral innate immunity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111:5646-51, 2014.
Kawasaki T, Takemura N, Standley DM, Akira S, Kawai T. The second messenger phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate facilitates antiviral innate immune signaling. Cell Host Microbe. 14:148-58, 2013.
Zou J#, Kawai T#*, Tsuchida T, Kozaki T, Tanaka H, Shin KS, Kumar H, Akira S*. Poly IC triggers a Cathepsin D- and IPS-1-dependent pathway to enhance cytokine production and mediate dendritic cell necroptosis. Immunity. 38:717-28, 2013. * Corresponding authors # Equal contribution
Kondo T, Kobayashi J, Saitoh T, Maruyama K, Ishii KJ, Barber GN, Komatsu K, Akira S, Kawai T. DNA damage sensor MRE11 recognizes cytosolic double-stranded DNA and induces type I interferon by regulating STING trafficking. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110:2969-74, 2013.
Kumar H, Pandey S, Zou J, Kumagai Y, Takahashi K, Akira S, Kawai T. NLRC5 deficiency does not influence cytokine induction by virus and bacteria infections. J Immunol. 186:994-1000, 2011.
Tsuchida T, Zou J, Saitoh T, Kumar H, Abe T, Matsuura Y, Kawai T*, Akira S*. The ubiquitin ligase TRIM56 regulates innate immune responses to intracellular double-stranded DNA. Immunity. 33:765-76, 2010. * Corresponding authors
Kumar H, Kumagai Y, Tsuchida T, Koenig PA, Satoh T, Guo Z, Jang MH, Saitoh T, Akira S, Kawai T. Involvement of the NLRP3 inflammasome in innate and humoral adaptive immune responses to fungal b-Glucan. J Immunol. 183:8061-8067, 2009.
Kumar H*, Kawai T*, Kato H, Sato S, Takahashi K, Coban C, Yamamoto M, Uematsu S, Ishii KJ, Takeuchi O, Akira S. Essential role of IPS-1 in innate immune responses against RNA viruses. J Exp Med. 203:1795-1803, 2006. * Equal contribution
Kawai T, Takahashi K, Sato S, Coban C, Kumar H, Kato H, Ishii KJ, Takeuchi O, Akira S. IPS-1; an adaptor triggering RIG-I- and Mda5-mediated type I interferon induction. Nat Immunol. 6:981-988, 2005.
Kawai T, Sato S, Ishii KJ, Coban C, Hemmi H, Yamamoto M, Terai K, Matsuda M, Inoue JI, Uematsu S, Takeuchi O, Akira S. Interferon-a induction through Toll-like receptors involves a direct interaction of IRF7 with MyD88 and TRAF6. Nat Immunol. 5:1061-1068, 2004.
Kawai T, Akira S, Reed JC. ZIP kinase triggers apoptosis from nuclear PML oncogenic domains. Mol Cell Biol. 23:6174-86, 2003.
Kawai T, Adachi O, Ogawa T, Takeda K, Akira S. Unresponsiveness of MyD88-deficient mice to endotoxin. Immunity. 11:115-122, 1999.
- Ori D, Murase M, Kawai T. Cytosolic nucleic acid sensors and innate immune regulation. Int Rev Immunol. 2017 Mar 4;36(2):74-88.
Kawasaki T, Kawai T. Toll-like receptor signaling pathways. Front Immunol. 5:461, 2014.
Kawai T, Akira S. Regulation of innate immune signalling pathways by the tripartite motif (TRIM) family proteins. EMBO Mol Med. 3:513-27, 2011.
Kawai T, Akira S. Toll-like Receptors and their crosstalk with other innate receptors in infection and immunity. Immunity. 34:637-50, 2011.
Kawai T, Akira S. The role of pattern-recognition receptors in innate immunity: update on Toll-like receptors. Nat Immunol. 11:373-84, 2010.
Kawai T, Akira S. The roles of TLRs, RLRs and NLRs in pathogen recognition. Int Immunol. 21:317-37, 2009.
Kawai T, Akira S. Innate immune recognition of viral infection. Nat Immunol. 7:131-137, 2006.
- 2007年 日本免疫学会研究奨励賞