
English Seminars

December, 2024

12/02/2024 "a Novel Vesicle Trafficking System during Early Mouse Odontogenesis" by Dr. Georgy Koentges / "Signaling pathways in Gastric Stem Cells: From Homeostasis to Inflammatory Gastric Disease" by Dr. Hitomi Takada
Dr. Georgy Koentges (School of Life Sciences, The University of Warwick) / Dr. Hitomi Takada (Stem Cell Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

November, 2024

11/25/2024 Cell Cycle Regulation has Shaped Budding Yeast Replication Origin Structure and Function
Dr. Chew Theng Lim (Chromosome Replication Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute)
11/22/2024 Simple systems to answer complex questions: from hornworts to Marchantia and photosynthesis
Dr. Eftychios Frangedakis (Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge / Department of Life Science, Rikkyo University)
11/15/2024 Epigenetic reprogramming by meiosis in Marchantia Polymorpha
Ms. Barbara Da Costa (Gregor Mendel Institute)

October, 2024

10/18/2024 The Phloem Nexus of Root Growth
Dr. Christian S. Hardtke (Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
10/15/2024 "Cooperation of motors in intracellular transport" by Dr. Anne Straube "The diversity of extracellular vesicles from cellular protrusions" by Dr. Shiro Suetsugu
Dr. Anne Straube (Cytoskeletal Dynamics, Centre for Mechanichemical Cell Biology, the University of Warwick) / Dr. Shiro Suetsugu (Molecular Medicine and Cell Biology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
10/07/2024 Plant morphogenesis at cell scale: Getting to know where you are and what your neighbours do
Dr. Alexis Maizel (Heidelberg University)

September, 2024

09/09/2024 Regulation of germline development in Zebrafish.
Dr. Karuna Sampath (Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick)

August, 2024

08/29/2024 Excavating Novel Small RNA Biology from Basal Invertebrate Clades
Dr. Alex S. Flynt (Program Director, Mississippi IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (MS-INBRE) | Cellular and Molecular Biology, The University of Southern Mississippi)
08/08/2024 Capture of Regulatory Factors via CRISPR-dCas9 for Mechanistic Analysis of Fine-tuned SERRATE Expression in Arabidopsis
Dr. Bo Sun(School of Life Sciences, Nanjing University)
08/07/2024 The Application of Bioinformatics and AI Techniques to Identify Novel Metabolites in Metabolome research
Dr. Liu Yuting (Niigata university medical AI center)

July, 2024

07/18/2024 臓器発生を制御する代謝システムの探索 Bioenergetics Independent Roles of Metabolism in Organogenesis
高田 望 博士 Dr. Nozomu Takata(Assistant Professor (Research) Simpson Querrey Biomedical Research Center, USA)
07/17/2024 Regulation of resource allocation by light cues indicative of competition for light
Dr. Christian Fankhauser (University of Laisanne in Switzerland)
07/12/2024 Metabolism of aromatic amino acids and aromatic natural products in plants
Dr. Ryo Yokoyama (Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology)
07/08/2024 Uncovering how roots sense environmental stresses using hormone signals
Dr. Malcolm J. Bennett (Plant and Crop Science, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham)

June, 2024

06/11/2024 'Deciphering Plant Reproduction: The Role of AGAMOUS in Hermaphroditic Strategies' by Dr. Toshiro Ito 'Decoding the Secret Memories of Plants' by Dr. Jose Gutierrez-Marcos
Dr. Toshiro Ito (Professor, Plant Stem Cell Regulation and Floral Patterning,Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan) Dr. Jose Gutierrez-Marcos (Professor, Genetics and Epigenetics, The University of Warwick, UK)

March, 2024

03/26/2024 Deciphering TDP-43 functions in health and disease
Dr. Shuo-Chien LING
03/21/2024 Double strand breaks form in DNA when alkylation repair intermediates collide
Dr. Robert P. Fuchs(bioHalosis, CEO)
03/07/2024 Plant-microbe interactions across disciplines from environmental remediation to agriculture needs
Dr. John Jewish A. Dominguez
03/04/2024 Role of reactive oxygen species in the regulation of plant immunity
Dr. Dominique Arnaud

February, 2024

02/28/2024 'Regulation of Neural Differentiation by an Epigenetic Factor' by Dr. Noriaki Sasai 'Tissue formation in the early embryo' by Dr. Michael Smutny
Dr. Noriaki Sasai (Developmental Biomedical Science, NAIST) Dr. Michael Smutny (the University of Warwick, UK)
02/15/2024 Characterization of two ferritins from hard tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis
Dr. Tetsuya Tanaka (Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University)

January, 2024

01/17/2024 Illuminating mechanisms of neutrophil migration and directional sensing using optogenetics and biosensor imaging.
Dr. Sean R. Collins (Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, College of Biological Sciences, University of California, Davis)
01/10/2024 Molecular mechanisms linking Zika virus replication and neuropathogenesis
Dr. Priya S. Shah (Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, College of Biological Sciences, University of California, Davis)