
Control of entry and progression through meiosis

Title Control of entry and progression through meiosis
Lecturer Prof. Arp Schnittger & Dr. Shinichiro Komaki(University of Hamburg, Germany)
Language English
Date&Time 07/04/2016 (Mon) 15:00~
Venue 大セミナー室
Detail The foundation of sexual reproduction is the formation of gametes with half the genomic DNA content of a somatic cell. This reduction in genomic content is accomplished through meiosis that, in contrast to mitosis, comprises two subsequent chromosome segregation steps without an intervening S-phase. In addition, meiosis generates new allelic combinations through the compilation of new sets of homologous chromosomes and the reciprocal exchange of chromatid segments between homologs. In our team, we study how entry and progression through meiosis is controlled in the model plant Arabidopsis and maize as one of the most important crop species. Meiosis appears to rely on many of the same, or at least homologous, cell-cycle regulators that act in mitosis, e.g. cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). However, these mitotic control factors are often differentially regulated in meiosis. In addition, several meiosis-specific cell-cycle genes have been identified. Interestingly, plants appear to have relaxed cell-cycle checkpoints in mitosis and especially in meiosis when compared to animals and yeast. As a consequence, many meitoic mutants are viable making plants powerful models to study meiotic progression. At the same time, this special set up allows unique modifications to the plant meiotic program to develop new breeding strategies. Here, we will present the latest results on the control of the cell cycle checkpoints and the characterization of novel mutants that interfere with entry and progression through meiosis in Arabidopsis.
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