卒業生の声 - 拡がるNAIST遺伝子 -
Rika Indri Astuti さん
- Lecturer and Researcher, Microbiology Division, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
- 2015年度(博士) Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology
NAIST is an academic institution for everyone

NAIST has given me so much from the very first day I entered NAIST building in 2010, not forget to mention that was my first Japan visit ever. I was selected, at that time, to join a Graduate School of Biological Science (GSBS)-NAIST Special Recommendation Program for Doctoral Degree. This program allowed me to know better about academic and research ambience in NAIST, which I consider it as “enchantingly nice experience”, a worth remembering journey. This journey essentially led me to apply as Doctoral student in the Laboratory of Applied Stress Microbiology, popularly known as Takagi Lab in 2012.
Microbiology is always be my major interest in science and having the opportunity to work in Takagi`s lab for nearly 3.5 years had broaden my knowledge, laboratory skill and soft skills substantial for being a microbiologist, not just “a microbiologist” but most importantly, the good ones. I used to work in the field of bacterial physiology and genetics before entering NAIST, thus everything was brand new and challenging once I got myself involved in yeast research in Takagi lab. At the early days of my Doctoral student time, I was chalenged by Prof. Takagi to verify the occurrence of radical-molecule mediated signal transduction phenomenon in fission yeast, which was barely reported. Since then, a journey of my research has begun. All of my research research supervisors, including Prof. Takagi, Prof. Shiozaki and Prof. Maki asked me to be creative and use critical thinking in solving every research problems throughout my study. I believe that creativity and critical thinking are prominent in the development of science and scientific knowledge, especially in studying natural phenomena.
As academic institution, NAIST conducts both academic and research activities at its best. There are notable faculty professors, comprehensive curriculum, advanced laboratory equipments, as well as fruitful academic atmosphere, just everything I need to get a good education. In addition to that, NAIST has a support office, including student affairs office, that will always be there to support student with their administrative necessities. As moslem Indonesian, I acknowledge NAIST for being very supportive and friendly in treating moslem community. For instance, NAIST manages to provide facilities for moslem to pray as well as provide halal food in the cafetaria. NAIST is an academic institution for everyone, indeed.
After finishing my degree, I continue to work in my home country as lecturer/researcher in the Lab. of Microbiology, Bogor Agricultural University. My experience in working with yeast during my research in NAIST had set a strong background for me to establish and elaborate yeast research here in my home university, in Indonesia. I have been very fortunate in my career and had great opportunities to start my very own research field as the Government through Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia funded my yeast research, regarding yeast engineering for the second generation of bioethanol productions. In addition, research collaboration between Prof. Takagi and I has been established and still continue to grow, as I have the opportunity to stay and conduct research project in NAIST for several months within two consecutive fiscal years (2016 and 2017) under the project called, Global Collaborative Program. Implementation of every good value I got during my study in NAIST truly benefits me in many ways. I believe that NAIST shares great contribution in rendering good values to all students, including me.