NAIST 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 バイオサイエンス領域



演題 シロイヌナズナ野生系統を用いた虫害防御の生態ゲノミクス:近傍個体に着目して
講演者 佐藤 安弘 博士(龍谷大学食と農の総合研究所・JSTさきがけ専任)
使用言語 日本語
日時 2019年2月21日(木曜日) 15:00~16:00
場所 大セミナー室
Plants are clustered as a population in natural environments. Field studies have shown that herbivory risk to an individual plant depends not only on their own traits but also on those of neighboring plants. Such neighbor effects in anti-herbivore defense may occur through herbivore foraging behaviors or volatile communication between plants; however, genome-wide analyses of the neighbor effects are still lacking. To reveal genomic bases of neighbor effects in anti-herbivore defense, I considered neighbor genotypic identity into genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of field-grown Arabidopsis thaliana. My collaborators and I surveyed insect abundance and leaf damage on 200 accessions at two field sites between two years, and observed beetles and caterpillars colonizing the plants. Our newly proposed method, neighbor GWAS, found that the neighbor effects accounted for 10-30% variation in the leaf damage and insect diversity. We are also conducting RNA-Seq of 2400 plants growing in the field. In this seminar, I will talk about the results of neighbor GWAS and ongoing RNA-Seq for the insect herbivory on field-grown A. thaliana.
問合せ先 植物免疫学
晝間 敬 (
