

研究成果 (総説) A02班

[すべて] [A01の成果] [A02の成果] 


[64] コケ植物の幹細胞新生にみるアブシジン酸を用いたしなやかな生存戦略,
神野智世; 藤田知道, 月刊「細胞」, 54, 6, 61 - 64, 2022.
[63] Preface to the special issue “Stem cell reformation in plants”,
Akira Iwase; Masaaki Umeda, Plant Biotechnology, 39, 1, 1 - 4, 2022.


[62] Studying the genetic basis of masting,
Akiko Satake; Dave Kelly, The Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions of the royal society B, 376, 1839, , 2021.
[61] Genome Maintenance Mechanisms at the Chromatin Level,
Hirotomo Takatsuka; Atsushi Shibata; Masaaki Umeda, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 19, 10384, 2021.
[60] ATM’s Role in the Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks,
Atsushi Shibata; Penny A. Jeggo, Genes, 12, 9, 1370, 2021.
[59] How plants grow under gravity conditions besides 1 g: Perspectives from hypergravity and space experiments that employ bryophytes as a model organism.,
Kume, A.; Kamachi, H.; Onoda, Y.; Hanba, T.Y.; Hiwatashi, Y.; Karahara, I.; Fujita T. , Plant Mol. Biol., 107, 279 - 291, 2021.
[58] Molecular biology of mosses,
Tomomichi Fujita; Fabien Nogué; Stefan A. Rensing; Daisuke Takezawa; Luis Vidali, Plant Mol. Biol., 107, 209 - 211, 2021.
[57] Genome maintenance mechanisms at the chromatin level,
Hirotomo Takatsuka; Atsushi Shibata; Masaaki Umeda, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 10384, 2021.
[56] Modulation of immune responses by DNA damage signaling,
Yuki Uchihara; Tiara Bunga Mayang Permata; Hiro Sato; Atsushi Shibata, DNA Repair, 104, , 2021.
[55] Genome Programming Through the Cell Cycle,
Tomomi Tsubouchi; Carlos Filipe Pereira, Cellular Reprogramming, 23, 3, 153 - 157, 2021.
[54] Whole-mount immunostaining for the identification of histone modifications in the S-phase nuclei of Arabidopsis roots,
Hirotomo Takatsuka; Masaaki Umeda, Methods Mol. Biol., 2329, 71 - 80, 2021.
[53] The role of diverse LURE-type cysteine-rich peptides as signaling molecules in plant reproduction,
Hidenori Takeuchi, Peptides, 142, 170572, 2021.
[52] Regulation of the Plant Cell Cycle in Response to Hormones and the Environment.,
Akie Shimotohno; Shiori S Aki ; Naoki Takahashi ; Masaaki Umeda, Annu. Rev. Plant Biol., 72, 273 - 296, 2021.
[51] Regulation of the plant cell cycle in response to hormones and the environment,
Akie Shimotohno; Shiori S Aki; Naoki Takahashi; Masaaki Umeda, Annu. Rev. Plant Biol., 72, 273 - 296, 2021.
[50] Development and molecular genetics of Marchantia polymorpha,
Kohchi Takayuki; Yamato Katsuyuki T.; Ishizaki Kimitsune; Nishihama Ryuichi, Annu. Rev. Plant Biol., 72, 677 - 702, 2021.
[49] 蛍光タンパク質を用いた緑色乳酸センサーとピルビン酸センサーの開発,
原田一貴; 北口哲也; 坪井貴司, 比較内分泌学, 47, e007, 2021.


[48] 「切っても切っても生えてくる」- 葉の断片から再生する植物を用いて栄養繁殖の仕組みを解明,
天野瑠美; 木村成介, 自動車技術, 74, 110 - 111, 2020.
[47] 走査電子顕微鏡を用いた植物組織・細胞の新しい捉え方,
豊岡公徳; 若崎眞由美; 武田紀子; 佐藤繭子, Plant Morphology, 32, 3 - 9, 2020.
[46] 切片SEM観察法の植物試料への応用,
豊岡公徳; 若崎眞由美; 宮彩子; 佐藤繭子, 顕微鏡, 55, 1, 7 - 12, 2020.
[45] MirrorCLEM: A Seamless System for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy,
Kiminori Toyooka, The HITACHI Scientific Instrument News, 15, 1 - 7, 2020.
[44] MirrorCLEM:シームレスな光-電子相関顕微鏡観察システム,
豊岡公徳, The HITACHI Scientific Instrument News, 63, 1, 5533 - 5538, 2020.
[43] DNA Repair and Signaling in Immune-Related Cancer Therapy,
Sangeeta Kakoti; Hiro Sato; Siddhartha Laskar; Takaaki Yasuhara; Atsushi Shibata, Fronteirs in Molecular Biosciences, 7, , 2020.
[42] Roles for the DNA-PK complex and 53BP1 in protecting ends from resection during DNA double-strand break repair,
Atsushi Shibata; Penny A Jeggo, Journal of Radiation Research, 61, 5, 718 - 726, 2020.
[41] 植物の生きる知恵 5 植物の情報を伝える経路-環境メディエータとシグナル伝達の秘密に迫る,
福田裕穂; 下遠野明恵; 遠藤暁詩, 遺伝, 74, 5, , 2020.
[40] Roles for 53BP1 in the repair of radiation-induced DNA double strand breaks,
Atsushi Shibata; Penny A. Jeggo, DNA Repair, 93, , 2020.
[39] DNA double-strand break end resection: a critical relay point for determining the pathway of repair and signaling,
Yoko Katsuki; Penny A. Jeggo; Yuki Uchihara; Minoru Takata; Atsushi Shibata, Genome Instability & Disease, 1, 155 - 171, 2020.
[38] ストレスに応答した植物の細胞周期停止機構,
高橋直紀; 梅田正明, BSJ-Review, 11, 122 - 130, 2020.
[37] 1gとは異なる重力環境で植物はどのように育つのだろうか -コケ植物を用いた宇宙実験(スペース・モス)から期待できること-,
藤田知道; 久米篤; 蒲池浩之; 小野田雄介; 半場祐子; 日渡祐二; 唐原一郎, BSJ-Review, 11, 60 - 74, 2020.
[36] 細胞生理機能を操る!人工の受容体から臨床応用まで,
北口哲也, 生物工学会誌, 98, 194, 2020.


[35] 高圧凍結法を用いた植物の電子顕微鏡解析,
佐藤繭子; 若崎眞由美; 後藤友美; 豊岡公徳, Plant Morphology, 31, 1, 25 - 29, 2019.
[34] Control of floral stem cell activity in arabidopsis,
Erlei Shang; Toshiro Ito; Bo Sun, Plant Signaling & Behavior, , 2019.
[33] The Roles of Plant Hormones and Their Interactions with Regulatory Genes in Determining Meristem Activity,
Ze Hong Lee; Takeshi Hirakawa; Nobutoshi Yamaguchi; Toshiro Ito, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20, 4065, , 2019.
[32] Functional Dissection of Class C Genes in Rice,
, Plant Cell Physiol., 60, 6, 1164 - 1165, 2019.
[31] 細胞内ATPの同時計測を可能にする3色の蛍光センサー,
新井敏; 北口哲也, B&I, 77, 2, 130 - 131, 2019.
[30] When to stop: an update on molecular mechanisms of floral meristem termination,
Yifeng Xu; Nobutoshi Yamaguchi; Eng-Seng Gan; Toshiro Ito, J. Exp. Bot., 70, 6, 1711 - 1718, 2019.
[29] Heterophylly: Phenotypic Plasticity of Leaf Shape in Aquatic and Amphibious Plants Review,
Gaojie Li; Shiqi Hu; Hongwei Hou ; Seisuke Kimura, Plants, 8, 420, 2019.
[28] 葉の形から迫る植物の温度感知メカニズム,
池松朱夏; 木村成介, アグリバイオ, 3, 2, 48 - 51, 2019.
[27] Linking cell cycle to stomatal differentiation,
Soon-Ki Han; Keiko U. Torii, Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 51, 66 - 73, 2019.
[26] Stomatal development and perspectives on agricultural application,
Hitoshi Endo; Keiko U. Torii, Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol, 11, 5, a034660, 2019.
[25] 森林遺伝育種学的研究におけるMIG-seq法の利用,
陶山佳久, 森林遺伝育種, 8, 2, 85 - 89, 2019.
[24] Gap 2 phase: making the fundamental decision to divide or not,
MasaakiUmeda; Shiori S Aki; NaokiTakahashi, Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 51, 1 - 6, 2019.
[23] Dissecting plant hormone signaling with synthetic molecules: perspective from the chemists,
Shinya Hagihara; Ryotaro Yamada; Kenichiro Itami; Keiko U. Torii, Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 47, 32 - 37, 2019.
[22] The integration and application of genomic information in mangrove conservation,
Alison K.S. Wee; Gustavo M. Mori; Catarina F. Lira-Medeiros; Juan Núñez-Farfán; Koji Takayama; Leanne Faulks; Suhua Shi; Yoshiaki Tsuda; Yoshihisa Suyama; Takashi Yamamoto; Takaya Iwasaki; Yukio Nagano; Zhengzhen Wang; Shin Watanabe; Tadashi Kajita, Conservation Biology, 33, 1, 206 - 209, 2019.
[21] Stem cells within the shoot apical meristem: identity, arrangement and communication.,
Uchida N; Torii KU, Cell Mol Life Sci., 76, 6, 1067 - 1080, 2019.
[20] オーキシン応答の自在操作を実現する人工ホルモン・受容体ペアの創成〜植物ホルモン応答の自在操作に向けた新展開〜,
高橋宏二; 萩原 伸也; 鳥居 啓子; 打田 直行, 化学と生物, 57, 80 - 87, 2019.
[19] Editorial overview: How plants transform signaling cues into changes in gene expression,
Ildoo Hwang; Masaaki Umeda, Curr. Opin. Plant Biol., 51, A1 - A3, 2019.


[18] Plant Temperature Sensors,
Tomoaki Sakamoto; Seisuke Kimura, , 18, 4316, 1 - 11, 2018.
[17] Ectopic Vascular Induction in Arabidopsis Cotyledons for Sequential Analysis of Phloem Differentiation.,
Alif Meem Nurani; Yuki Kondo; Hiroo Fukuda, Methods Mol Biol., 1830, 149 - 159, 2018.
[16] Hormonal and environmental signals guiding stomatal development.,
Xingyun Qi; Keiko U Torii, BMC Biology, 16, 21, 2018.
[15] Opening new avenues for plant developmental research,
Yuki Kondo; Shigeo S. Sugano, Journal of Plant Research, 131, 1, 3 - 4, 2018.
[14] Reconstitutive approach for investigating plant vascular development,
Yuki Kondo, Journal of Plant Research, 131, 1, 23 - 29, 2018.
[13] 緑色植物の PSI-PSII 超複合体,
横野牧生; 高林厚史; 岸本純子; 藤田知道; 岩井優和; 村上明男; 秋本誠志; 田中歩, 光合成研究, 28, 1, 14 - 18, 2018.
[12] Plant Chemical Biology.,
Kinoshita T; McCourt P; Asami T; Torii KU, Plant Cell Physiol., 59, 8, 1483 - 1486, 2018.
[11] Harnessing synthetic chemistry to probe and hijack auxin signaling.,
Torii KU; Hagihara S; Uchida N; Takahashi K, New Phytol., 220, 2, 417 - 424, 2018.
[10] 凸凹戦略でデザインした人工オーキシン・受容体ペアにより植物のオーキシンシグナル経路をハイジャックする,
打田 直行; 高橋 宏二; 萩原 伸也; 鳥居 啓子, ライフサイエンス新着論文レビュー, , 2018.


[9] Spatial regulation of strigolactone function.,
Hiromu Kameoka; Junko Kyozuka, J. Exp. Bot., 69, 9, 2255 - 2264, 2017.
[8] Easy and Rapid Induction of Vascular Cells by VISUAL,
Yuki Kondo; Atsuki Suguchi; Hiroo Fukuda, Cytologia, 82, 4, 335 - 335, 2017.
[7] Polo is not solo in meiosis,
Bilge Argunhan; Tomomi Tsubouchi; Hideo Tsubouchi, Cell Cycle, , 2017.
[6] Exiting prophase I: no clear boundary,
Hideo Tsubouchi; Bilge Argunhan; Tomomi Tsubouchi, Curr. Genet., , 2017.
[5] 植物と微生物の攻防を電子顕微鏡で捉えるには?,
佐藤繭子; 成川-篠崎苗子; 豊岡公徳, 植物科学最前線(BSJ-Review), 8, 5, 29 - 35, 2017.
[4] Small pores with a big impact,
Michael R. Blatt; Timothy J. Brodribb; Keiko U. Torii, Plant Physiol., 174, 2, 467 - 469, 2017.
[3] Ancient plant DNA in lake sediments,
Laura Parducci; Keith D. Bennett; Gentile Francesco Ficetola; Inger Greve Alsos; Yoshihisa Suyama; Jamie R. Wood; Mikkel Winther Pedersen, New Phytol., 214, 3, 924 - 942, 2017.
[2] 植物の免疫電子顕微鏡法,
佐藤繭子; 後藤友美; 豊岡公徳, 顕微鏡, 52, 2, 98 - 103, 2017.
[1] 植物栽培における重力環境制御の基礎,
唐原一郎; 玉置大介; 久米篤; 蒲池浩之; 半場祐子; 藤田知道, アグリバイオ, 10, 1, 1172 - 1175, 2017.