Y-mtRFP mouse was introduced as "Mouse of the Month" @ RikenBRC

Dr. Jonathan Lim Jun-Yongthe was awerded the Academic Excellence Award @ NAIST

Dr. Shunsuke Yuri won the Award for Excellence @JXA

It is my great honor to receive the Award for Excellence at the 24th Japanese Society for Xenotransplantation Research. I'd like to appreciate into the organizer of the research meeting for giving me to present our research. In accepting this award, I would like to especially thank Yuki Murase, who graduated last year as a master course student, for his contribution to this research.
Mr. Wataru Hirata. Our resarch data was selected for the cover of Experimental Animals.

I am very honored to be selected for the cover of Experimental animals. I am very grateful to Associate Professor Ayako Isoya and Assistant Professor Shunsuke Yuri for their great help in preparing this paper. I am sure that the experience of writing this thesis will be useful even after I enter the workforce, and I hope that all of you younger students will take an active role if you have the chance.I hope that this research will serve as a foothold for further advancement of Organ Developmental Engineering Lab in the future.
Mr. Jonathan Lim won The First Prize Award for the Oral Presentation Competition in MiGC14

I would like to thank the organizing committee of the 14th Malaysia International Genetics Congress for presenting me with this prize. My deepest appreciation to my mentor Isotani-sensei and Yuri-san for your relentless guidance, and all members of Isotani lab for your constant support. I also thank God and my family members which played a big role in my research journey. I am very delighted to obtain this recognition as a part of my PhD program.
Mr. Jonathan Lim won the Young Scientist Award@JALAS
First, I would like to thank the organizing committee of the 67th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science for presenting me with this Young Scientist Award. Despite of current pandemic situation, they still put in a great effort in organizing this conference. My deepest appreciation to my mentor Isotani-sensei and Yuri-san, throughout the whole experimental process, and all members of Isotani lab. Thank you very much. I also thank God and my family members which played a big role in my research journey. I am very pleased to receive this award and it has definitely boosted my motivation in conducting more high-quality scientific research for the benefit of mankind.