Y-mtRFPマウスが理研BRCの「Mouse of the Month」に紹介されました。

Jonathan Lim君 最優秀学生賞@奈良先端大

由利 俊祐 助教 優秀賞@第24回日本異種移植研究会

平田 航君 研究成果がExperimental Animalsの表紙に採用

この度はExperimental animalsの表紙に選ばれて大変光栄に思います。この論文の作成にあたり多大なご助力をいただいた磯谷綾子准教授、由利俊祐助教授には大変感謝しております。この論文作成の経験は社会人になってからも必ず役立つものになると思いますので、後輩諸君もチャンスがあれば、積極的に関わって欲しいです。今回の研究を足がかりに今後の器官発生工学研究室の更なる飛躍につながることを期待しております。
Jonathan Lim君 The First Prize Award for the Oral Presentation Competition in MiGC14

I would like to thank the organizing committee of the 14th Malaysia International Genetics Congress for presenting me with this prize. My deepest appreciation to my mentor Isotani-sensei and Yuri-san for your relentless guidance, and all members of Isotani lab for your constant support. I also thank God and my family members which played a big role in my research journey. I am very delighted to obtain this recognition as a part of my PhD program.
Jonathan Lim君 若手優秀発表賞 優秀賞 受賞@日本実験動物学会
First, I would like to thank the organizing committee of the 67th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science for presenting me with this Young Scientist Award. Despite of current pandemic situation, they still put in a great effort in organizing this conference. My deepest appreciation to my mentor Isotani-sensei and Yuri-san, throughout the whole experimental process, and all members of Isotani lab. Thank you very much. I also thank God and my family members which played a big role in my research journey. I am very pleased to receive this award and it has definitely boosted my motivation in conducting more high-quality scientific research for the benefit of mankind.