Events & News

UCD Online Seminar was held.

The Biological Science (BS) Division, NAIST and the University of California Davis (UCD) jointly hold journal seminars using the remote meeting system in January-March every year. Professor Bo Liu organized the seminars to represent the UCD side in this year.

11 graduate/research students from NAIST’s BS division and 15 PhD students from UCD participated in the seminar. Even though credits are given only to doctoral students, about a half of NAIST participants were master’s or research students who voluntarily joined the seminars. This is a popular program among our students.

This seminar series consists of 8 sessions, and students discuss a recently published research article each time. A group of 2-3 students lead the discussion, and a professor from each side attends it as an advisor to facilitate discussion. This program has been a good opportunity for students and professors to interact with colleagues within and between the universities.

During the period of the Online Seminar, D1 students at the BS division are visiting UCD for the overseas internship program, and they participate in the Online Seminar as UCD participants. Some of UCD PhD students will also visit NAIST for the International Student Workshop in future. Through such programs, our students have plenty of opportunities to interact with students from around the world, and that is one of the notable strengths of our PhD program.

This is the 8th year since the online seminar series was launched. Now distance learning using telemeeting systems draws broad attention and these new technologies are clearly powerful in education. In near future, we may be regularly having courses using telemeetings assisted by even newer technologies such as VR or AR.

(March 09, 2020)

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