
How do cytokinins regulate organ development in liverwort?

Plant Growth Regulation ・ Assistant Professor ・ AKI Shiori

Cytokinin phytohormones are known to regulate various physiological events in plants. The type-B response regulator (RRB)-mediated cytokinin signaling is repressed by type-A response regulators and is conserved in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. Previously we showed that cytokinin signaling coordinates the development of diverse organs on the thallus body, such as gemma cups, rhizoids, and air pores. However, mechanisms how cytokinin signaling regulates organ formation are yet to be revealed.

Recently we identified GEMMA CUP-ASSOCIATED MYB1 (GCAM1), encoding the R2R3-MYB transcription factor, as a downstream gene of RRB-mediated cytokinin signaling. The expression of GCAM1 was responsive to exogenous cytokinin application and an increase in cytokinin signaling. Our genetic data further showed that GCAM1’s function in gemma cup formation is controlled downstream of cytokinin signaling.


GCAM1 mediates cytokinin signaling to regulate proper gemma cup formation in Marchantia polymorpha

AKI Shiori NAIST Edge BIO, e0027. (2024).

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