
Tomoya Tsukazaki
- Hometown:Sayo-cho, Hyogo, Japan
- Research Field:Structural Life Science
- One of my favorites : Training
- Special Skill: Experiment
- Comment: We would like to present convincing results.

Assist. Prof.
Ryoji Miyazaki
- Hometown:Osaka, Japan
- Research Field : in vivo photo-crosslinking analysis for dynamic behaviors of cellular proteins
- One of my favorites : Hamburgers
- Special Skill: Crosslinking experiments
- Comment: I would like to spread the in vivo photo-crosslinking approach.

Assist. Prof.
Hidetaka Kohga
- Hometown:Chiba, Japan
- Research Field:Structural Analysis of Protein Channels
- One of my favorites: Training
- Special Skill: Tennis
- Comment: I will do my best!

Assist. Prof.
Ken Kitano

Kayo Abe
- Hometown:Nara, Japan
- Favorite sports:Tennis and yoga
- Comment:I do my best to support our Lab's research.

Kunihito Yoshikaie
- Hometown:Osaka, Japan
- Likes:Walking, Model making, Reading
- Comment:I am slightly increasing the average age of the Lab.

Napathip Lertpreedakorn
- Nickname:Namfon
- Hometown:Phetchaburi, Thailand
- Research subject:Structural and functional analysis of a membrane protein
- Likes:Coffee
- Special Skill:Table tennis
- Message: Just do the best and let it be.

Ng You Kiat
- Nickname:Patrick
- Hometown:Nibong Tebal, Malaysia
- Research subject:Structural and functional analysis of protein transport
- Likes:Video Games, Music
- Special Skill:Positive Thinking
- Message: It's my pleasure to meet you.

Yutaro Takahashi
- Nickname:Takahashi, Yutaro
- Hometown:Akita, Japan
- Research subject:Structural and functional analysis of sugar transporters
- Likes:Outdoor activity
- Special Skill: Swimming
- Message:I will do my best in my research

Jun Takahashi
- Nickname:Jun
- Hometown:Hyogo, Japan
- Research subject:Structural analysis of important proteins
- Likes:Trip
- Special Skill: Running
- Message:Challenge everything

Kaito Hosoda
- Nickname:Hosoda
- Hometown:Osaka, Japan
- Research subject:Structural Analysis of Protein Channels
- Likes:Visiting around castles
- Special Skill: Puzzle
- Message:Challenge!

Mai Kimoto
- Nickname:KIMOTO
- Hometown:Hyogo, Japan
- Research subject:Membrane protein interactions
- Likes:Movies and dramas
- Special Skill:Tennis
- Message:Nice to meet you!

Hiroyuki Tanaka
- Nickname:HIRO,HIROKI
- Hometown:Aichi, Japan
- Research subject:membrane protein structures
- Likes:Violin
- Special Skill:Sleeping
- Message:I'll do my best

Nami Matsuoka
- Nickname:NAMI
- Hometown:OSAKA, Japan
- Research subject:membrane protein dynamics
- Likes:Manga、Game
- Special Skill:Drawing
- Message:Take it easy

Yuuki Kurahara
- Nickname:Yuuki
- Hometown:Osaka, Japan
- Research subject:Transporters
- Likes:cafe hopping, game
- Special Skill:fold clothes while standing
- Message:Nice to meet to you.

Kota Oya
- Nickname:Kota
- Hometown:Chiba, Japan
- Research subject:Peptide interaction
- Likes:Listening to B’z
- Special Skill:Soccer
- Message:Never give up in adversity

Aoi Nakanishi
- Nickname:NAKANISHI
- Hometown:Saitama, Japan
- Research subject: Proteins
- Likes:eating
- Special Skill:(Japanese) archery
- Message:it's a piece of cake

Riku Nishikawa
- Nickname:Riku
- Hometown:Nara, Japan
- Research subject:Proteins
- Likes:overseas trip, comedy, movie
- Special Skill:exercise
- Message:nice to meet you!!!

Wataru Yoshimoto
- Nickname:Wataru
- Hometown:Kumamoto, Japan
- Research subject:Kumamoto, Japan
- Likes:YouTube
- Special Skill:Basketball
- Message:Nice to meet you

- Nickname:Shiken
- Hometown:Inner Mongolia, China
- Research subject:Proteins
- Likes:Comedy shows, cooking, running, muscle training
- Special Skill:Cooking
- Message:In the journey of life, always maintaining love and curiosity, and calmly striving to accept
Doctoral Degree Recipients (Alumni)

2018 March
Arata Furukawa, PhD
(Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1), JSPS)
- Doctoral thesis:Structure-based working models of protein transport mediated by YidC and SecDF
- Main original papers:Furukawa et al, Structure 26, 485–489 (2018); Furukawa et al., Cell Rep. 19, 895-901 (2017); Kumazaki, Chiba, Takemoto, Furukawa et al., Nature 509, 516-520 (2014); Kumazaki, Kishimoto, Furukawa et al., Sci. Rep. 4, 7299 (2014).
- Comment:I managed to get a doctoral degree. I will do my best in the future as well.
- Awards:Yano Prize (NAIST GSBS, 2015), Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists (Inoue Foundation for Science All Rights Reserved, 2018)
- Lab Stay : 2016. Feb. - Mar., Baldwin Lab (UC Davis)

2018 March
Yasunori Sugano, PhD
(Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC2), JSPS)
- Doctoral thesis:Static and dynamic structural basis of protein-conducting channel Sec translocon
- Main original papers:Sugano et al., PLOS ONE 12, e0183434 (2017); Tanaka*, Sugano* et al., Cell Rep. 13, 1561-1568 (2015); Haruyama*, Sugano* et al., Structure 27, 152-160 (2019). (*equal contribution)
- Awards:NAIST Best Student Award (NAIST / Foundation for NAIST, 2015 and 2018),Poster Award (PSSJ, 2016)
- Studying abroad:2016. Jan.-Feb., NAIST Material and Biological Sciences Program (UC DAVIS EXTENSION), UC Davis

2020 March
Shigehiro Iwaki, PhD
- Doctoral thesis:Structural basis of plant MATE family
- Main original papers:Tanaka*, Iwaki* and Tsukazaki, Structure 25, 1455-1460 (2017); Tanaka*, Iwaki*, Sasaki A and Tsukazaki T. FEBS Letters 595, 1902-1913 (2021) *equal contribution
- Lab Stay : 2015. Sep.-Oct., Wackett Lab (University of Minnesota), 2018. Feb.-Mar. Theg Lab(UC Davis)

2021 March
Bin Mohammad Umar Mohammad Shahrizal, PhD
- Doctoral thesis:Crystal structure of β-Barrel Assembly-Enhancing Protease (BepA) for biogenesis of outer membrane proteins
Comment:I am glad to complete my PhD study at the Laboratory of Structural Life Sciences by Prof. Tsukazaki. I would like to thank Prof. Tsukazaki in accepting me to do PhD at his laboratory. I have learned a lot, especially about bacterial protein purification and structural analysis. Under Prof. Tsukazaki's supervision, I have produced my first ever first-author paper in a peer-reviewed journal. The best thing about this lab is that I am able to learn from my mistakes. I also made friends with lab members, with whom I could practice Japanese with. I wish this lab all the best and I will continue using my knowledge and experience gained from this laboratory for my future endeavours.
- Main original papers:Shahrizal et al., J. Mol. Biol. 431, 625-635 (2019)
- Lab Stay:2019. Jan.-Feb., Baldwin Lab (UC Davis)

2024 March
Mai Ikei, PhD
(NAIST University Fellowships for the Creation of Innovation in Science and Technology)
- Doctoral thesis:Structure and function of a YeeE-YeeD complex for sophisticated thiosulfate uptake
- Main original papers:Ikei et al., PLOS Biol. 22, e3002601 (2024)
Comment:I joined Tsukazaki lab as a doctoral course student with no structural knowledge, but thanks to Tsukazaki-sensei, assistant professors, and the lab members, I enjoyed my research life. I think Tsukazaki lab is a perfect environment for research, and I recommend this lab to those aiming for a PhD degree supervised by Tsukazaki-sensei.