Research 研究紹介
Why do we study oran regeneration?
- We use organ regeneration as a model system to study outstanding questions in cell and developmental biology such as "How can be somatic cells reprogrammed?" and "How can cells self-organize?".
器官再生をモデル系として用いて、「体細胞はどうやってリプログラミングされるのか?」「細胞集団はどうやって自己組織化するのか」といった発生生物学の中心的な謎に挑んでいます。 - Regenerative capacity of plants is a fundamental basis of modern biotechnologies ranging from clonal propagation of elite cultivars to modern breeding via genome editing. Some useful crops remain recalcitrant to regeneration and this is the major bottleneck of biotechnological applications. In order to overcome the recalcitrancy, precise understanding of constraints on regenerative capacity is prerequisite.

Shoot regeneration in tissue culture
We have identified an Arabidopsis mutant with enhanced shoot regeneration efficiency. Uncovering molecular function of the responsible gene will uncover a novel intrinsic mechanism to restrict regenerative response.

Callus formation at wound sites
Plants produce callus upon tissue injury, yet the molecular mechanism and physiological roles remained elusive. We have identified WOX13 as a key gene regulating callus growth at wound sites. In addition, loss-of-function mutant of that gene is defective in organ reconnection. This study will shed new light on the physiological role of callus (Ikeuchi et al., 2021 Plant Physiol.).
植物は傷口に細胞塊であるカルスを形成しますが、そのメカニズムや生理機能についてはまだあまりよく分かっていません。我々は傷口のカルス形成において重要な役割を果たすWOX13 遺伝子を発見しました。WOX13 遺伝子の機能が失われると、器官の再結合ができなくなります。WOX13 を中心とした解析によって、カルスの形成メカニズムや意義を解明できることが期待できます。

Evo-devo approach in regeneration study
Regenerative response is highly variable among taxa. We are interested in the evolution of gene regulatory network. We would like to explore diverse modes of organ regeneration as well.