
Identification of downstream genes of KNOX2 transcription factor that regulates alternations of generations in land plants.

Title Identification of downstream genes of KNOX2 transcription factor that regulates alternations of generations in land plants.
Lecturer 榊原 恵子 博士
(金沢大学 学際科学実験センター)
Language English
Date&Time 09/18/2015 (Fri) 15:00~16:00
Venue L12 lecture room
Detail Land plants undergo an alternation of generations, producing multicellular bodies in both haploid (1n) and diploid (2n) generations. Plant body plan in each generation are regulated by distinct developmental programs initiated at either meiosis or fertilization, respectively. We found the transcription factor KNOX2 function in the repression of haploid developmental program in the diploid body. To identify the molecular mechanism regulating the alternation of generations by KNOX2 genes, we performed a comparative transcriptome analysis using the early developing embryos of wild-type and KNOX2 mutant in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Since Physcomitrella early developing embryos are microscopic, it was difficult to use the ordinal method synthesizing RNA library. We succeeded to construct RNA sequencing library from a single Physcomitrella embryo equivalent amount of tissue using quartz-seq method (Sasagawa et al. 2013). The transcriprome analysis indicated that 2038 transcripts including 288 transcription factors has been differentially expressed in the KNOX2 mutant and wild type at a very stringent q value (< 0.0001). We performed Gene Ontology Enrichment test (BinGO: Maere et al. 2005) using the transcriptome data and found that transcription factors, cell wall organization enzymes, and RNA processing was enriched in the set of genes that showed differential expression in the KNOX2 mutant embryo. We hypothesize that the control of gene regulatory network and cell wall organization is important to regulate the alternations of generations in land plants.
Contact ヒューマノフィリック科学技術創出研究推進事業
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